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Affordable (Minimally Priced) Books for Catholics

If you would like some helpful resources in print or on Kindle, here is what I have written and sell (as cheap as Amazon will let me) online:

Author Page - all books

Spiritual Warfare in the Bible: A Comprehensive Handbook for Deeper Study (With Course Video Lectures)

A Biblical Study of The Catechism of the Catholic Church: Bible Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Catholic Beliefs and Practices

Spiritual Warfare in the Early Church: The History of Demonic Activity Among the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers and Beyond

Week by Week Bible Reading: 5 to 30 Minute Bible Reading Plans to Help You Hear God’s Voice

Week by Week Bible Conversations: The New Testament: Discussion Guide with Questions for Sunday School Classes, Small Groups, and Journaling

Week by Week Bible Conversations: The Psalms and Proverbs: Discussion Guide with Questions for Sunday School Classes, Small Groups, and Journaling

Week by Week Bible Conversations: The Old Testament: Discussion Guide with Questions for Sunday School Classes, Small Groups, and Journaling

Dr. Neil T. Anderson & Spiritual Warfare: A Summary and Evaluation of His Writings

God and Satan: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 1

Angels and Demons: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 2

Believers & Unbelievers: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 3

Heaven, Hell and Salvation: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 4

Frequently Asked Questions about Spiritual Warfare in the Bible: God’s Answers about the Battle of the Followers of Christ against the Unseen Spiritual Forces of Evil  - Volume 5

Putting on God’s Armor of Light: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 6

Resisting Satan’s Schemes: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 7

Prayer and Fasting: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 8

Biblical Health: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 9

Evangelism and Missions: Spiritual Warfare in the Bible - Volume 10

The Trustworthy Word: God’s Truths for Your Daily Battles

The Trustworthy Word: Volume 1 - Christianity Questions, Prayer and Fasting

The Trustworthy Word: Volume 2 - Theology and Church Life

The Trustworthy Word: Volume 3 - Spiritual Warfare, Evangelism and Missions

The Trustworthy Word: Volume 4 - Life Issues

The Carl Family Adoptions: Two Stories of Adoption from China: A story of Jesus’ amazing love through our family, church, friends, and strangers


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